NJACAC Response to Supreme Court Ruling

Today, the United States Supreme Court issued its ruling in two cases involving race-conscious admission. The court ruled against Harvard and UNC’s use of race in college admission decisions on the grounds that they violated the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. While this ruling is not surprising, it can still feel like a “gut punch” setting back years of precedent that have led to more diverse campus communities.

While this decision will have wide raging ramifications for the college admission landscape, let us not forget that all students benefit when they are exposed to people from different identities, backgrounds, and experiences. New Jersey is one of the most diverse states in the nation and the work of bringing about true equity in education does not end here.

NJACAC stands ready to support our members as we travel down this road together. This ruling can serve as a catalyst for change and an opportunity to reimagine the college admission process with diversity and inclusion at the forefront. While there is no one size fits all solution and we certainly do not have all the answers, let us reaffirm a commitment to ensuring that all students are seen, respected, and welcomed at every campus community.

NACAC is hosting an information session, scheduled for July 19th at 3 PM, that aims to offer a practical analysis of the Court’s opinions on the case and their implications for institutional enrollment policy and practice. The session will include a comprehensive overview of the ruling and recommended strategies and action steps to consider in light of these developments. For those of you who are NACAC members, please register for the information session. Spaces are limited, so we encourage you to secure your spot as soon as possible. Also, be sure to follow NACAC’s social media platforms for the latest updates and professional development opportunities.

As more information becomes available, we will be sure to pass it along.

Thank you,

Randy Stamm, NJACAC President

Ryan DePuy, NJACAC President-Elect

Dr. Sarah Smith, NJACAC Past-President


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